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Software - Management Reporting

LSSe64 includes an extensive list of extremely flexible management reports, all of which are included as a standard feature of the Client Accounting component. Each report has its own set of applicable formatting, selection, sort and grouping criteria to choose from – providing firms with literally millions of options. Below are just a few reports and reporting features included with LSSe64 Client Accounting.

Productivity reports

The LSS Productivity Report is a highly customizable report that can include up to twelve data columns containing values that are selected from a list of 52 available productivity metrics – from hours worked, rate deviations, billings, billing adjustments, effective rates, collections, write-offs and much more.

This report can be produced in varying levels of detail from group “totals only” to values by individual client, matter, invoice date and/or timekeeper.  Values can be reported for up to two separate date ranges on the same report – which is nice when comparing to prior periods.

It includes more than 25 selection criteria including client, matter, timekeeper, responsible attorney, contact attorney, referral source, office, department, client type and more.  The report can be sorted and grouped by up to five categories simultaneously – each of which has over 20 sort options.  For example, a productivity report can be grouped and subtotaled by Originating Attorney, and then by Referral Source within Originating Attorney, and then by Department within Referral Source.

Once the report is formatted with various selections and options, it can be saved as a “Named Report” to be reused later.  When selecting a previously saved named report, the report request form opens with all of the options automatically populated, so it takes just one click of the mouse to generate a new report with current values.

Another version of the Productivity Report, called Productivity Report by Month, provides many of the same options and features, but presents the data in monthly columns over a twelve month span with additional columns showing the twelve month total and twelve month average.